Beautiful kittens of the new Savannah litter were born. Was born very nice one boy. He is BST (brown (black) spotted tabby). Very cute and very contrasting boy. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn...
In September, beautiful kittens of the new Savannah litter were born. Was born very nice one girl and boy. They are BST (brown (black) spotted tabby). Very cute and nice...
In September a new litter of Savannah SBT (F5) was born. All kitten are BST (black spotted tabby). Nice F5 SBT boys and girl. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn new kitten F5...
New litter Savannah SBT (F5). We are waiting in Februar 2019 !!! Soon!!! Domus Felina Savannahsnew kitten SBT(F5) soon!We are waiting new kitten SBT (F5). Read MorePurchasingread morePurchasing SavannahsThe purchase...
November birth to a new litter of Savannah F4 SBT Girl is BST (black spotted tabby). Nice SBT one girl. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn new kitten SBTAlready we received kittens SBT....
April birth to a new litter beautiful of Savannah. Born very nice boys and girls. All are BST (brown (black) spotted tabby). Nice kitten. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn new kitten.Already we...
January birth to a new litter of Savannah F5 Born one boy BST (black spotted tabby). Nice F5 SBT boy. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn new kitten F5 SBTFinally, we received kittens....
December birth to a new litter of Savannah. Born only one girl with black nose. She is BST (black spotted tabby). Nice girl. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn new kitten.Already we received...
November birth to a new litter of Savannah F4 SBT All kitten are BST (black spotted tabby). Nice SBT kitten. Domus Felina SavannahsBorn new kitten SBTAlready we received kittens SBT....